@echo off rem QEMU Starting Script for an AArch64 VM rem rem Author: Andrea Allievi rem Last revision: 03/27/2023 rem setlocal enableextensions set EXECUTABLE=qemu-system-aarch64.exe rem rem Set up a ARM64 VM with 8 8 processors and 4 GB of RAM:(note that TCG is very slow). rem set MACHINE=-m 4G -smp 8 set CPU=-cpu max -machine virt,accel=tcg,gic-version=3,iommu=none,secure=off,virtualization=off rem Add the UEFI firmware: set BIOS=-bios "share\edk2-aarch64-code.fd" rem rem Set up the graphic card and video output. rem Note that you can use "-display vnc=:X" to start a VNC server on port 590X rem set GFX=-device ramfb -display gtk -display vnc=:6 rem Add USB keyboard and mouse set USB_CTRL=-device usb-ehci,id=usbctrl set KEYB_MOUSE=-device usb-kbd -device usb-tablet rem rem Add the VirtIo controller for the Virtual Hard Disk (and add the disk itself). rem Note that in ARM64, the VirtIo drivers are required to be injected in the target OS. rem Otherwise the system will not be able to boot correctly rem set DRIVE0=-device virtio-blk-pci,drive=hd0 set DISK0=-drive file="",if=none,id=hd0 rem Add a CDROM (not mandatory) rem set CDROM=-cdrom "" set CDROM= rem Add the Intel network controller, and forward the TCP port 3389 on 63389 (for RDP) set NETHOST=-netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::63389-:3389 set NETGUEST=-device virtio-net,netdev=net0,disable-legacy=on set FULL_COMMAND=%EXECUTABLE% %MACHINE% %CPU% %BIOS% %MONITOR% %SERIAL% %GFX% %USB_CTRL% %DRIVE0% %DISK0% %CDROM% %KEYB_MOUSE% %NETHOST% %NETGUEST% rem Uncomment the following line to see the complete QEMU command: rem echo Full command: %FULL_COMMAND% %FULL_COMMAND%